William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) or better known as Bill Gates, is a United States businessman and founder of Microsoft Corporation (together with Paul Allen). He also is chairman, former Chief Software Architect and former Chief Executive Officer for Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest software company.
Bill Gates is one of the most famous businessman in the personal computer revolution. Although he was respected by many kekayaaan based on how ingenuity and imagination, although his business tactics often criticized as not to compete fairly the cause he brought to court several times.
Bill Gates often make contributions to donate a large sum of money to many organizations and scientific research programs through the foundation he established in 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Forbes magazine, he lists as the richest in the world for 13 consecutive years, with a value of up to $ 60 billion [1] [2]. In 2008, Microsoft stock value decrease of 15% to put his place to-3 after Warran Buffett and Carlos Slim Helu.
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